Saturday, October 4, 2008

I really enjoyed the video story activity. I used animoto for each of the three stories, and I really became comfortable using the program. I used flickr as well as open photo to gather my pictures. I also decided to incorporate some of my own pictures in the illini video. I think it made the video more personal and gave it a sense of character.

For two of the videos I used music from the animoto program, but I used a clip from free play music for the third. I think that each of my musical selections fits with the accompanying video. For the cubs video, I chose to use a song called "Around Town" because of the the Cubs' connection to Wrigleyville. For the illini video I used an upbeat song to demonstrate the aggressiveness of the fighting illini, and for the political video I used a song called "Reach" which talks about striving to make the world a better place.

I would definitely like to incorporate this program into my teaching. I think that the technology element is challenging, but the end product is rewarding and beneficial. I am proud of each of my videos, and the fact that they represent me overcoming my technological obstacles.

Go Cubs Go


Election 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Influence of the Internet on Children and Education

PBS video clip

While I found certain aspects of the video shocking, for the most part I was aware of the danger of the internet on the lives of today's children. Society today relies heavily on the use of the internet, and, while it can be an extraordinarily useful tool, it also represents the source of a multitude of hazards. When used appropriately, the internet can be a positive and effective mode of gathering information and engaging in healthy communication. However, when children turn to using the internet for immoral purposes, the benefits of the system are compromised

I think the hardest part of the clip for me to watch was the section that dealt with anorexia. The fellowship of the girls based on encouraging anorexia made me sick to watch. In today's society, young girls are too often turning to dangerous methods to achieve their "ideal" body. The reality that these disturbing sites exists, scares and frightens me. I would hate to have my young and impressionable female students viewing these sites and thinking that they are okay.

While in general I do believe that the benefits of the internet outweigh the potential negatives, the reality is that these negatives do exist and are having a strong influence on the minds of young children. I hope that families can take the reins in promoting healthy use of the internet. While I believe that children should be encouraged to use the internet, their parents should constantly be supervising and questioning them as to what content they are viewing online. This persistence in staying engaged in children's use of the internet will hopefully keep children from venturing into sites which are harmful and dangerous.